General College/Scholarship/Essay Tips
Put anything and everything in these essays, the officers do not know you and will only meet you genuinely, from your essays
Write about things that the admission officers can’t gain from the rest of your application
Stay on topic throughout the entirety of the essay
Use paragraphs, makes reading your essay easier
Be original, admission officers are reading thousands of essays, which can get repetitive, you want your essay to stand out
Stay true to yourself, these essays are to help determine your fit in the school
Write in such a way that if your name was taken off of the application, friends and family would still be able to identify you from the rest
If you write about someone else other than yourself, do not make the center of your paper about them, try to relate it back to you as often as you can
Try to be original, don’t pick cliche topics if you can help it (traveling, experiencing new cultures, death of a loved one, etc.)
If you end up writing about one of these topics, try to put your own twist on it so you’ll avoid copying the same format as those who will probably write about the same topic
Write about stuff important to you, you’re personality and passion will speak for itself, do not pick topics in order to “WOW” the admissions committee
Explain things out, do not just make statements, follow up with detail
Try to end each paragraph by linking it to the overall message, this will make finding the purpose of your essay a lot easier
Make sure you answer the question being asked
Make sure your subject/verb tenses align
For MOST essays, write in present tense
Have multiple people (including teachers and counselors) edit your essays to catch mistakes you’re bound to overlook
Read your essay out loud to yourself and/or backwards to catch mistakes yourself
Do not repeat anything else that could found on your application, use your essays as a chance to bring up something about you the admissions committee would never be able to find out otherwise
Length does not always make up for quality, if you can say something in less words, make sure you do. Your essay becomes easier to read the more condensed it is
Do your best, essays are what can change your rejection into an acceptance and they’re what can help you get off the waitlist
Look up Essays that have worked in the past and try to determine what factors of them helped in their favor and apply it to your own essays (I DID THIS A LOT)