[www.online.onecenter.org]: Users select existing skills and those they plan to develop to identify careers that typically use those skills.
[www.careerexplorer.net]: Offers a Motivational Apprasial of Person Potential (MAPP) test that focuses on motivation and corresponding talents.
[www.carekey.org]: Contains links and assessments that measures value, interests, personality, and skills.
[www.discoveryourpersonality.com]: The original Meyers-Briggs and other career assesments. Provides live follow-up consulatations by phone.
[www.iseek.org]: Includes an exercise that links skills with occupational interests and education-related information.
[www.livecareer.com]: Indentifies career interests and matches them to find a job funcetions and careers.
[www.similarminds.com]: Personality test site and community that offers several options.
[www.testingroom.com]: A site dedicated to self-assessment, which links to numerous online tests and assesments addressing values and personal traits.
[www.vault.com] & [wetfeet.com]: Two data-laden sites ofeering advice on job searching and information on career fields and potential employers.